In Sepetember, 2010, we will be taking our son, Zane, to Germany for an autologus stem cell treatment. We are very excited to see how this will help improve the symptoms he has from cerebral palsy, spastic quadriplega! More information regarding the treatment and ways to donate to our fund can be found on his website at!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Today we had occupational therapy at The Rehab Center in Evansville. I could tell a HUGE difference in Zane's left arm. It was less spastic and he was a LOT easier to stretch out! He was grabbing for things with his left hand and putting shapes in the shape sorter. (With assistance of course but before he would never even attempt to grab things with his left hand) When we worked on feeding, he was doing some of the work with putting the spoon to his mouth BY HIMSELF! We are praying that this is only the beginning of the amazing things we will see after the stem cell treatment. We are expecting HUGE things!

Yesterday he went to school for speech for the first time and the therapist said he made a new friend. :) He is going back to school tomorrow for speech and physical therapy. It is SO exciting to see the huge gains he is making! I will continue to keep everyone updated!! Thanks for the prayers and support!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Exciting changes!!

Hey guys! So we are about 4 weeks post stem cell treatment. We have already seen some AMAZING changes! As I have posted before, he is definitely using his left hand more. Yesterday during physical therapy, he was even using his left hand to prop sit!!! Before, if we had him sitting and he started falling, he didn't have the protective reflex to catch himself. He now does this consistently! His physical therapist has said that she can tell a huge difference! We give all the Glory to God and are so thankful to everyone for helping us give Zane this chance!! We are considering taking him to Germany again next year to see what kind of additional awesome results we can get! I have been very pleased with what we have seen so far!

Last Friday he got Botox for the 2nd time. They give Botox to kids with cerebral palsy to help relax muscles and block nerve impulses going to those muscles. (This in turn drastically reduces the spasticity) The only bad thing about the Botox is that it wears off anywhere between 3 and 6 months, so it's a procedure that has to be continually repeated. He received 250 units of Botox in his legs. The last time he got Botox, he received 150 units so hopefully we will really start to see some awesome results! The neurologist has agreed to do it again in 3 months if it has wore off. She is excited to see what happens with the stem cell treatment also.

I am going to try to update as often as I can. I will update as we see new changes! Thanks everyone for all of your prayers and support and for helping us make "A Way For Zane!" :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

It's been a week and a half!

Sorry I haven't updated since we have been home. We have been really busy with getting stuff put away, going back to work, taking Zane to therapy, etc. Last week all of his therapists told me they could tell a difference. He said the word "balloon" a few times for the speech therapist. Our physical therapist says she can tell a difference as well. He seems to be more social and happier. Of course, he is really tired at times but I attribute that to his body is tired from trying to heal itself. He is definitely using his left hand more. He putting objects in it to play with and it isn't in a fist when he feeds himself or takes a drink anymore! That, to me, is a HUGE accomplishment! The doctors in Germany told us that it could take 5-6 weeks before we start noticing his muscle tightness getting better. I am so excited everyday to see what changes we might see. We are supposed to go next week for Botox injections. He has had this done once before and it loosened his muscles up for about 1 1/2 months but then it wore off. They give Botox in his legs to relax his muscles. In the mean time, we do intense stretching and strengthening exercises. We are asking for prayers for less spasticity in his muscles and continuation of progress. We are all very thankful to everyone who made this possible for Zane!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Just a day of relaxing...

Today we have spent the day relaxing in the hotel. Zane has been playing with his cars and watching movies. He has been acting totally normal and hasn't been in any pain at all today. So far, it seems as though Zane's left hand is A LOT looser than it was before. He is actually using it to help play with his cars. Normally he keeps it fisted up. Last night he had a car in both hands. This is a HUGE improvement. Today, when he was asking for a drink, he said "da-rink," normally he says "dink." These may seem like small improvements but even the smallest thing can change Zane's quality of life. We are expecting to see more improvements in the next several days/weeks/months! We have had a great time here, but we are ready to come home! Tomorrow will be a long day as we start our journey by arriving at the airport at 7 am (midnight back home) Our flight will land in St. Louis at 4:30 pm tomorrow afternoon. We are so excited to see our family! Dean and Rhonda and Ezekiel will be picking us up at the airport! We have missed him SOO much! We are planning on eating dinner (McDonalds again) and getting to bed early so we can get some rest for our big day! We are all packed up and ready to go! Thanks again to all of you who have supported us before, during and after this trip! God Bless you all!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Well, we asking for millions of cells and...

Wow! What a day it has been! We have been asking you to pray for MILLIONS for cells, and....that is what we got!! 7.3 million to be exact- with 98% vitality!!! They were able to put cells in through the lumbar puncture and do an intravenous infusion as well. We are SO excited! We have noticed a few little changes so far such as, in recovery he was playing with his left hand- which he usually holds close to his body. We will be letting Zane rest over the next several hours so we can let the cells start doing their job! Zane has been acting so well and is actually lying in the floor playing with his cars right now. Please continue for Zane to have great results from this procedure and for safe travel home! We are ready to see Ezekiel!!!

It's almost time!!

We will be picked up from our hotel in about an hour to go to the XCell Center for the lumbar puncture. We are praying for huge results! How awesome would it be if, in recovery, he said something he had never said before. Or, if he sat up by himself for the first time! These would be extreme results but nothing is too big for our God! Everytime I think about the possibilities, I tear up! I am taking our video camara to video any changes we see in him during recovery. The procedure is scheduled to start at 10:45 am which is 3:45 am back home. It should last around 30 minutes. The doctor said they may decide to infuse some stem cells through his IV as well which is what we are hoping for! I pray that when we get there, they tell us they got more cells than they expected! I have also been praying for a good recovery and no reaction to any medication they have to give him. When it is all done, we will be bringing him back to the hotel room on bedrest. I'm sure McDonald's will be on the menu for his dinner! Jeff and I want to thank each and every one of you who have been supportive through this. Whether it be money, prayers, helping out with fundraisers, etc. All the glory goes to God! So, God, today when Zane gets his procedure done, let your will be done, help to improve the symptoms of his cerebral palsy, help the cells repair his brain and give him better speech, help him sit up on his own...all of this for YOUR glory! Love you guys and will update more when we get back.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bone Marrow Extraction

Today we had the bone marrow extraction. Everything went really well and Zane did awesome with getting his IV put in. The Dr. told us that if they get enough stem cells, they will put some in through the lumbar puncture, and some in through the IV. Zane did so well through all of this! We won't know until Thursday how many cells were extracted. We have to be back at the center at 10:45 am (3:45 am back home) to have the lumbar puncture done. Please keep praying for minimal side effects from these procedures. Keep praying that they extracted MILLIONS of cells and that we will see great results quickly! We have met a few families from the US. Everyone has been exceptionally nice since we have been over here. Zane hasn't had anything to eat today so we are getting ready to head to McDonald's. We will post more as we know more. Thanks so much for the love and support you all of shown our family!